On Leadership

On Leadership

On Leadership First listen to the podcast below: Reflections Anyone can be a leader, it’s a choice every single one of us can make.  Effective leadership is essential, whether in or outside organisations.  It is through leadership that we build a better...
Inside out

Inside out

Inside Out Inside Out by Becky Park https://www.ospreylf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Inside-Out.m4a Anyone else struggle with imposter syndrome? Or self-confidence? These are my career demons. I often feel like a fraud. I think I should be able to ID more wildlife...
The power of reflection

The power of reflection

The power of reflection Reflection is mentioned in so many leadership books and to be honest for vast parts of my career I’ve just not felt I had the time. I’m naturally the sort of person who can think of their perspective on the spot (the oppositive of a...