Serving others

Serving others

Serving Others Reflections: As I say in the podcast, I thought long and hard before including this trait.  But I could not get away from the consistent observation that every truly great leader I have come across just seems to have this deep rooted inner belief...
The importance of feeling valued

The importance of feeling valued

The importance of feeling valued When you begin thinking about leadership and conservation, the concept of serving others – as Barry describes in his podcast this week – is perhaps not the thing that springs to mind first. But as I think back over the...


Starfish Starfish by Becky Park Hopefully you have just listened to Barry’s podcast on Mary’s first trait – her belief that her first role as a leader is to serve others and how it translates in to...
Week 4 – Further Reading

Week 4 – Further Reading

Lead Like Mary by Barry Dore – Chapter 4: Serving Others Good to Great by Jim Collins – Chapter 2: Level 5 Leadership The Power of Servant Leadership by Robert Greenleaf The Secret by Ken Blanchard Although each week we are recommending further reading we...