Personal Effectiveness

Personal Effectiveness

Personal effectiveness Reflections: Personal effectiveness lies right at the very heart of the inner circle of inside-out leadership.  In the ‘Lead Like Mary’ book I state on page 27 that Mary is personally highly effective.  If I was writing the book today...
Barry’s Life Planning Exercise

Barry’s Life Planning Exercise

Barry’s life planning exercise The principle of setting goals can apply at all levels, not just the next meeting you are attending or a project you are leading. It can equally apply to setting life goals, creating a life plan. Whenever I mention those words to...
Getting organised

Getting organised

Getting organised For me, my conservation career is a vocation. Its far more than your standard 9-5. I have wanted to be a conservationist for as long as I can remember. Admittedly, the pay isn’t great (that’s an understatement) but I feel lucky to have a job that I...