Osprey Leaders
Osprey Leaders is a group for 8 -16 year olds who want to meet with like-minded peers to share their enthusiasm for nature (especially ospreys!) with each other and gain the confidence to become advocates for wildlife within their friends and family, schools, communities and beyond!
The group meets on one Sunday afternoon each month at Rutland Water Nature Reserve and undertakes activities which aim to increase participants’ understanding and appreciation of wildlife, the issues our wildlife and wild places face and how they can be protected. The sessions also aim to provide opportunities for participants to develop leadership skills which give them the confidence to share their knowledge and inspire others about nature.
2024 Sessions
21st April
12th May
23rd June
21st July
18th August
15th September
All of the above sessions will take place at Lyndon Nature Reserve, meeting at Waderscrape Hide at 2pm and finishing at 4pm.
How to take part
If you are interested in joining Osprey Leaders email our Programme Manager, Becky via info@ospreylf.org